A Better Way to Scale

Introducing Flexscale, a better way to scale your business.

Matthew W.
June 25, 2022

Today, we’re excited to announce Flexscale is coming out of stealth.

We have spent the last decade building a system that helps businesses scale quickly and affordably, starting with our own. We then tested it on fast-growing startups and global enterprises, proving we could scale their operations by 3x and reduce costs by 50%.

Today, we are unveiling this system to the world as Flexscale.

Flexscale embeds high-quality, outsourced talent in your company to scale your operations within 2 weeks. This is backed by a proven system of process creation, execution, and quality assurance to ensure it is successful.

We saw a shift in the world of work.

High quality talent is distributed across the globe.

We come from the technology industry where we know this to be true. Since day one, we have used tools like Zoom and Slack to work efficiently with remote colleagues overseas, giving us access to better talent at half the cost.

Because of the pandemic, now everybody knows how to use these tools. Despite this, traditional businesses do not know how to access and leverage high-quality remote talent.

We created Flexscale to bridge this gap, providing this capability to all businesses.

How it works for you.

As a customer, you have many processes that need to be scaled.

For each process, the Flexscale team helps you create a playbook including defining the steps, how to execute them, and how to check and maintain the quality of the output.

Once the playbook is complete, Flexscale connects you to candidates within 2 weeks to interview and select. These are your new team members, dedicated to your company full-time.

You are also assigned an Operations Manager who helps train the team and manage them on a daily basis, ensuring quality work and reporting on progress.

If it can be written down, it can be scaled.

With Flexscale, you can manage all of the tasks associated with running a business — from customer support, logistics management, marketing operations and bookkeeping. Here are some of the processes we have scaled for customers:

  • Email and chat support for an online clothing brand.
  • Graphic design for paid ads for a marketing agency.
  • Scheduling appointments by phone for a pet grooming company.
  • Freight coordination for a cosmetics brand.
  • Lead generation and market research for a startup’s sales team.

Whether it is 1 person or 100, Flexscale can provide you the capability of offloading and automating any task.

Get started in 2 weeks.

We’re here to help you save time, improve your customer experience, and grow your business. Reach out to us today, and start scaling your processes within 2 weeks!

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